兩個可能彼此相愛,喜歡的人, 但是,又不屬於友情,愛情,親情中的任何一種, 彼此不能成為男女朋友,只能做個特別的朋友...
也許是為了朋友之間的義氣,不能歸屬。 也許是為了顧及家人的意見,不能歸位。 也許是為了自己的前程,不能承諾。 也許是相遇太早,還不懂得珍惜對方。 也許是相遇太晚,彼此身邊已經有了另一個人。 也許是回頭太遲,對方已不再等待。 也許彼此在捉摸對方的心,而遲遲無法跨出界線...
不過即使沒在一起, 彼此仍能找到踏實的感覺, 仍然會保持不隸屬任何一種感情的關係。
但是彼此心底清楚, 對這個人,你比朋友還多了一份關心。 因為有了彼此,心裡總是被幸福塞的滿滿的...
即使不能彼此名正言順的牽著手逛街, 還是可以做無所不談的朋友。
彼此有喜歡的人,口頭上會說不吃醋, 心裡卻會覺得疼痛... 對方遇到困難時, 會盡全力伸出援助之手, 不會計較誰又欠了誰。
對方生病了, 會繳盡腦汁找藥方, 恨不得變成護士,陪伴在身旁...
每個人這輩子, 心中都有過這么一個特別的朋友, 很矛盾的行為。
一開始可能不甘心只做朋友的, 但久了,突然發現這樣最好。
寧願這樣關心對方的心情, 總好過彼此生活在一起受傷害...
做不成男女朋友, 當個特別的朋友, 有什麼不好呢? 你心中的這個特別的朋友...? 是誰呢 ?
很多的感情, 都敗在了現實的面前... ... 友情可以演變成為愛情, 愛情最終進化成為親情, 彼此就將友情直接進步到親情...
能牽手的時候,請別只是肩並肩, 能擁抱的時候,請別只是手牽手,
能在一起的時候,請別輕易分開, 能成為紅顏知己,請別刻意離開!
我就會心軟, when did we become close enough to make these comments?
Every day we talk, and I would miss you when you are not here.
I try to act cool so you won't notice,
If I dissappear, would you notice?
Would you stay with me always?
你叫我做 "女人"
跟你一起過的時間 好像有點偷歡的模樣. 可是我喜歡上你, 我很自私的......
不能讓你知道, 我有多難受...
Working as usual, a lady comes into buy some food, while she's waiting, her son came in to see what she got. I looked up, he's the one big crush of my teenage years.
I don't really know why I was shivering, but I was so nervous to see him. I quickly turned around to pack their things so I can go and talk to him. Just seconds after I saw his face, he dissappeared from my sight again, leaving his mum to wait for the food...
A lot of memories came back to me
I remembered how we used to see each other in sunday school, always sitting next to each other, legs touching underneath the table...
I remember how you used to let me lay my head on your shoulder during snack time
I remember how I would think about you all week until I saw you the following sunday againI remember visiting you near your college, how we walked around and had lunch, and when we crossed the road you suddenly took my hand into yours. Even when we were on the other side of the road, you did not let go of my hand
I remember not seeing you anymore, we'd just keep each other's phone numbers. You called me one night after several years of losing contact, to talk to me about your girlfriend and how you had problems with your mum
I remember seeing yoou whilst being really busy at work, we nodded at each other as our eyes met
And then, I remember about yesterday...you still looked like you did 10 yrs ago, more grown up, but you were still the Jeffrey I knew. Our feelings might have faded, but, I want to let you know you were the biggest crush of my teenage years.
Kathy x
今天﹐ 是你第一次說會掛念我。
今個晚上, 記得蓋好披子睡覺...我會想著你的~~~
It's just past the lunch time rush, now I have some time to sit down and slack...lol...logs onto MSN and find my long time friend, Shane, online. I sent a hello, he wrote back almost immediately!
We have a long history together. We met back in 2000 when I was first yr in college, it was winter time and my train had ran early, so I was in college before most people. Cold, dark and gloomy, I sat in front of a row of public use computers. Bored, I turned one of it on and logged onto ICQ (does it even exist anymore?) I don't even remember how we got talking, but I found him. Anyway we started chatting and we got on well, whenever I got the opportunity I would log on and find me, he seemed to be a fun person to chat with!
Shane was a university student in Canada, doing his degree there and would eventually move back to Hong Kong, we chat most days about anything. One day, I was in the college library, got a computer, logged onto ICQ, we were having much fun chatting and then the librarian kicked me out as he said chatting was not allowed. I have never been escorted out of anywhere before, it was quite embarrassing for me! By this time we did not add each other onto the buddy list, we relied on each other's offlines to reply to each other. When I left the library I was afraid I'd lost my new friend forever...
Days later, I logged onto ICQ again and luckily, he left me an offline, or he found me somehow, I don't remember too well, and thats when our friendship really started. We'd chat, talk on the phone and we got quite deep, as in talking about personal problems, family issues, financial struggles etc etc... we grew together.
10 years on, having met him first time in person in 2007, we are still friends. Both of us are busy with our lives and we rarely talk, but when we do, the great friendship is still there. We are still growing up with each other. Shane has graduated from university, found a job in Hong Kong and also selling phone accessories on eBay. His girlfriend, whom he met in Canada, finally decided to move to Hong Kong to be with him, she would look for a job and stay there, at least for a while. I wish them both most happiness in the world.
I am extremely grateful for him coming into my life, he is a great friend and I hope there will be a chance when we can meet up in person again.
I miss you, Shane!
Kathy x
Just when I thought you did not give a rat's arse about me, here comes the chat delayed message: "Are you alright?" I am quite sure it refers to when I told you that I have hurt my hand.
Thanks, my dear, to not have completely ignored me; at least I can still believe we are friends, and you do have a heart.
My name is Kathy. I play on SL under the name Suri Christen. I have 4 blogs at the moment, including this new one!
The reason I start this blog is so I can put my feelings to paper, whether it is SL or RL related, I just want to have a good recollection of what happened when~
Tonight, I feel a little bit down. This is partly due to working so many hours as my parents took a sudden vacation and need my help to look after their shop. My friends came to see me at work and we had a great chat, I miss getting together with them, if only for a casual drink and talk bullshit; now I am working at least 12 hours a day with no days off. The end of the tunnel seem unreachable!
I came home, log into SL religiously, as I would any other day. He said hello to me, of course I was happy, after all, he's the reason I log in. Some days I wait and wait, eventually I thought maybe I did something wrong for he does not want to talk to me anymore. First few days waiting, I felt abandonment, then resentment, then trying to let go and go on about my daily routine. It was starting to work until he returned. My reaction was like winning the lottery jackpot. He told me he needed to start over, even though he never asked for my help, I find myself dropping everything to find something suitable - for him. I continue to do that for an hour, I got a number of things which might suit him, and quickly sent them over his way.
I don't wish to hear his gratitude, if he wears them, it's the best thank you there could be. I remember times when I would stay up and chat with him because I savored the moments together, even when I know he can never be mine, when my eyes are so far shut my eyelids might as well be sewed in. I feel stupid as well as secretly happy; its a strange combination, yes, and I am the one who chose to inflict this emotions on myself.
When we chat, we talk about many things, including the girl he has his heart on..we both happen to be friends with her. I pretend so hard to hear him out as a friend, sometimes giving advice like a good friend should~but lord, how much does this hurt? I kept telling myself its a phase, he doesn't even feel this way about you! When he was gone I looked him up every now and again, I know he has been here, but not took the effort to find me..I start to wonder what went wrong...perhaps he found someone more interesting...or maybe I had no use to be his friend any more..
I gave him lots of material things, only hoping he will be more happy after getting them, and also its an excuse because he tells me what he bought from my "ex-xmas giftcards". When his name shows up on my screen my heart skips a beat, I type something...erase...type something more...erase...in the end I only said a "hello"; whilst I like him a lot, I am not able to show him how I really felt. I am his and the girl's friend, I am his and the girl's friend, I keep telling myself, I cannot step out of line. Never, I will hurt her.
Today, I feel down. I am tired and hurt my hand, can only type with one hand. He tells me he bought this pair of shoes, this pair of pants, even though I said I felt bad, I hurt myself, he could have at least ask if I was okay, as a friend would. It dissappoints me to see my words are as if they are invisible, I blindly presented him the tools to better his character, I don't need his gratitude, but a second, just a split second of care from his part isn't too much to ask, is it? I think back, maybe he's just not that interested in my affairs~~ I felt even more disheartened. All this hope I built up was stupid on my part. This person does not even like you. Not even one bit. Why am I waiting? Did I not say I was tired? I really should sleep, but secretly anticipating his presence in my time again...Please give me the strength to forget about you, my dear, because you already hurt me so, you just don't know it. Please, my dear, leave me alone to heal, stop giving me hope just as I am able to pick myself up, dust myself off and carry on walking.
When he got so involved with himself maybe he missed I said I hurt myself?
Or maybe he was not interested whether I was hurt or not?
I wanted to get your attention before, I wanted to spend more and more time with you; the more I do the more I find negative traits about you. I want you to care about me and love me. You'll never be mine. So, my dear, please stay away.